Deck and Rig:
The decks - if not made from wood - were GRP with glassed-in foam layers for additional strength. Wooden decks layed by Ohlson Brothers were made from pressed board and covered with teak planks. These light construction seemed to have held well to the demands over time as long as they were kept dry. Wooden cabin tops on Ohlson built boats seemed to have been made in one piece molded in ply as they are void of deck beams.
The mast is keel-stepped, i.e. ruling out all the problems with the deck-stepped masts and moving the load to where it is taken best. The boat is top-rigged with a mast supported by one spreader. The rig design was changed over the years and the overall ratio was changed slightly to accommodate for measurement formulas.

However this little story is important and tells something about trim required. It shows well Ohlson’s concern for speed. The Ohlson 38 does not perform well with weight in the ends, particularly in the cockpit therefore racing trim is always to be obtained by moving crew forward of the cockpit. These boats are sensitive ladies....
Rigs for the OHLSON 38 were supplied by Sparlight from the UK. A nice replacement rig has been done by HALSPARS for a boat in the US.
Many boats have been converted to furlers for the headsail, however they have proven difficult when sail changes due to foul weather are required.
Foto: LvM